Tuesday 22 October 2013

Taking a break

Good morning all.

The Craft Den design team have decide to take a break.

The Anything Goes Challenge blog started way back on 31st May 2010 and has run non stop ever since. In the beginning the challenges were weekly, then the over whelming amount of entries we were getting every week forced us to go to fortnightly to enable us to keep up with the commenting. We are all proud of our challenge blog and what it has achieved over the years. We are also proud to have on board a very talented and creative DT with out who's support and commitment there would be no Anything Goes. With all this in mind and the fact that the Craft Den website is having a makeover have decided that now is a good time to take a well earned break and recharge our batteries. We will all be back in the New Year. Please don't delete us from your side bars as we will be doing the odd post on here.

Thats all for now take care and keep crafting.

Love and hugs Lynne xox

Monday 21 October 2013

TOP 5 WINNERS - For challenge 101 - Out With the Girls

Another challenge has come to an end and it's time to pick our Top 5!

Thank you for your lovely entries!
Your creations are all so beautiful!
So to make our life easier we use Random Org
to help us pick our winners...

Our TOP 5 are: